The 'forest-to-wood' chain definitely exists but is not visible. Thousands of experts are active in their own field and are aware that they are part of a chain but without fully understanding of their role in a process. However, the final product always ends up with the consumer who also has a restricted idea of how that product was developed.
The project Flevohout will make the forest-to-wood chain visible This demonstration forest is situated in the center of the Netherlands and covers 60 ha.
The first trees has been planted in the year 2000. Some 30 tree species are selected on the basis of their potential commercial validity. In the forest different management types are made visible, such as, biomassproduction, agroforestry, short rotation systems, long rotation systems, plantations, etc.
In the year 2008, when the trees are tall enough to form a forest, a information point will be opened.
It will serve as an information centre for the wood sector, the government, and consumers to show the usefulness of sustainable wood production and wood use.
Companies and craftsman representing the links of the 'forest-to-wood' will find a permanent place in this building.
The development of a state farm of 270 hectare, into an attractive ecological landscape by means of afforestation.
Wood species: native species (30%), with robinia as a temporary pioneer which will create a forest climate that will enable lasting species to grow. The harvesting of robinia will yield financial gain.
On the long term a more heterogeneous landscape will evolve, with forest, agriculture and other natural crossed by streams: an interesting area for visitors.
In this region the unemployment is substantial. Consequently the job opportunities which the project creates are important. Also firewood for energy supply belongs to the advantages.
The project will be certificated under FSC and/or PEFC. This merit distinguishes this project from other 'green' investment projects. Actually, the possibilities of financial participation of particulars in this project are being elaborated.
Town of Ácsteszér, General support
Cépé Kft., Implementation
Stichting Robinia, Project development, Education and support for the fieldwork.
The Robinia Foundation has been carrying out an extensive monitoring program since 1992, in this program the forest planting is being followed in their development. It concerns measurements in practical circumstances. Parameters such as thickness growth, height growth, field occupation, disease and strain are recorded in this program. Based on this, management interventions can be made and the development of forest stands can be predicted. The data is collected in the Netherlands, Hungary and Germany. The emphasis is on the development on agricultural grounds of robinia, sweet chestnut and sweet cherry and a number of other less common tree species in the Dutch forest, such as nut varieties and Thuja.
TopThe Agrodome project is a model project for construction. The goal is to let the construction experience with other building materials. Agrodome is an initiative of the Woonstichting, the municipality of Wageningen and Wageningen University and Research Center (department FBR). The project consists of four houses that have been built as much as possible with renewable raw materials. The Robinia Foundation, together with the Agrodome Foundation, uses one of the homes as an information center. The building is of course made on the basis of a wooden frame and there are also many applications of wood in the building to see and experience. Both inside and outside in the communal garden.
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The project Dannenberg consists of a mixed forest of 15 ha planted in 1998, to the north-east of Berlin, Germany and is a model example of profitable afforestation of agricultural land.
TopBos- of CO2 certificaat is an initiative of Stichting Robinia to give people or companies the opportunity to make a direct contribution to the expansion of forest in Europe.
TopThe Breukeldereng / Doornbos project is a pilot to show that a small-scale village forest can also produce local wood and can be recreational and ecologically attractive.